New for Intuiface: BrightSign Support!

Intuiface has added its seventh supported Player platform: BrightSign. We've got all the details.
Consider this our worst-kept secret. Actually, it was never a secret. We just couldn’t contain ourselves and decided to announce our plans in February to coincide with the giant A/V show, Integrated Systems Europe. That’s what you do at big shows, you announce big news.
The news? Intuiface has added its seventh supported Player platform: BrightSign. You may have heard of BrightSign because statistics say they are the market leading digital media player in the industry. As in, over one million BrightSign devices can be found world-wide. Not a bad place for Intuiface to play.
As seasoned Intuiface users know, Player looks the same and acts the same on all supported platforms. This means that adopting BrightSign should be a piece of cake. The only thing that’s unique is Player installation, as every platform has a unique method for installing applications. One of the highlights of our BrightSign integration is the ability to remotely provision BrightSign boxes with Intuiface Player using BrightSign's BrightAuthor:connected. Remote provisioning is a neat trick that BrightSign recently unveiled so we’re in on the ground floor.
With the launch of our integration, Intuiface Player will run on BrightSign Model XT4. Specifically, we're talking about the XT1144 and the XT1144-T. As a thank you for reading this blog entry, we’ll let you on into a little secret-> it’s our plan to support Model XT3 as well. No timeline and no promises! But it’s our current plan.
BONUS ONE: BrightSign supports Nexmosphere, which means you can take advantage of Intuiface’s amazing level of integration with their sensors and actuators without missing a step. For details, see our Help Center article about this Nexmosphere integration.
BONUS TWO: Intuiface Analytics offers an opportunity unique among all BrightSign partners. Tied to Intuiface’s mastery of interaction, Analytics enables project teams to measure just about anything they can imagine in the name of identifying trends and building insight into deployment effectiveness and target audience preferences. Most signage platforms have little or nothing to say about data analysis. Intuiface has an entire dedicated offering! And it all works on BrightSign.
No surprise, we’ve got a Help Center article dedicated to our new BrightSign support. Be sure to review it because it mentions our firmware requirements, a consideration one must always have with BrightSign.
Happy with your current device choice for Intuiface? Great! Stay with it. But if you’re thinking of a change, or if you already have some experience with BrightSign, you may want to consider using them for your next deployment.