Intuiface Change Log

v.7.5.9 - Player on all platforms but Windows

June 24, 2024

We're on a roll! We're back to fixing more niche-y stuff in our ordered collections, such as autoscroll. And then there is - frankly - a mix of bug fixes for everything from conditional triggers to working with Excel to manipulating free assets. Very much a customers-found-stuff update. Thank you for being a great customer!

See Release Notes ➤

v.7.5.8 - Player on all platforms but Windows

May 28, 2024

Where was the Ken Burns Effect Collection? Why, it's right here! Plus you'll find a variety of Player engine updates and a bunch of needed tweaks to our ordered collections.

Oh, we snuck Versions 7.5.6 and 7.5.7 by you. Rest assured, they are safe and comfortably retired.

See Release Notes ➤

v.7.5.4 - Composer and Player on Windows

May 13, 2024

We've upgraded the Chromium-based web rendering engine in our Web Browser and HTML Frame Assets to Version 122. We've also added a newOpenAI interface asset, this time for Vision, giving your experience users the ability to specify/upload images and ask questions about their content. You'll also find that we have end-of-lifed certain assets, collections, and interface assets. Details are in the Release Notes!

See Release Notes ➤

v.7.5.5 - Player on all platforms but Windows

April 9, 2024

Think of this as the 'asset tapping bug fix release'. Lots of tap-related issues for assets inside collections. There are also a variety of other small but irritating issues that have been resolved. You know the drill -> details are in the Release Notes!

See Release Notes ➤

Cloud and Infrastructure - March 2023

March 31, 2024

We've sped up the loading time of the Experiences panel in Composer and Player, as well as of the Share and Deploy console on My Intuiface, by using a new image format for experience thumbnail images. Not exactly rocket science but it sure works. A couple of other minor updates have also been implemented, and you're welcome to read about them in our Release Notes.

See Release Notes ➤

v.7.5.3 - Composer and Player on Windows

March 27, 2024

This is what we in the business call an "oops" release. As in, oops, something that's worked for a long time was broken by the last release. In this case, it's about the display of PDF documents in Player on Windows. The Release Notes will air our dirty laundry.

See Release Notes ➤

v.7.5.4 - Player on all platforms but Windows

March 12, 2024

Lots of enhancements and bug fixes. We added AVIF image support, enabled you to take asset, collection, and scene snapshots, improved our Excel and Nexmosphere sensor support, and much more. As a fan of Intuiface, you surely know that all the details - and a touch of humor - are in the Release Notes we post to our Help Center.

See Release Notes ➤

v.7.5.2 - Composer and Player on Windows

February 28, 2024

This release is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get! (Forest, Forest Gump) We've got everything from new AVIF image support to new AI interface assets to lots of smaller enhancements and bug fixes. Take a bite!

See Release Notes ➤

v.7.5.3 - Player on all platforms but Windows

January 18, 2024

Another big bag of stuff, mainly bug fixing stuff, to batten down the hatches of our new Player technology. Maybe it's just me, but the fixes are feeling a bit more edge-casey, meaning they're affecting fewer and fewer people. We love each and every one of you so don't worry, we'll fix them all!

See Release Notes ➤

Cloud and Infrastructure - December 2023

December 31, 2023

Just a few advantageous tweaks to Secondary Account management.

See Release Notes ➤

v.7.5.2 - Player on all platforms but Windows

December 19, 2023

Remember what we said about using v.7.5.1 to collect all those net-slipping fish/bugs. Well, there were a small number of resilient pests that evaded our attention - until now. In particular, we gave our users the benefit of the doubt when dealing with licenses and offline web-deployed experiences.

See Release Notes ➤

v.7.5.1 - Player on all platforms but Windows

December 12, 2023

Holy moly, there's a lot in this one. Look, we just launched Player Next Gen - that's Player on all supported platforms but Windows - so there were bound to be a few bugs/fish that slipped through our QA net. We won't even pretend to summarize them here. Check out the Release Notes for all the details.

See Release Notes ➤

v.7.5.1 - Composer and Player on Windows

December 5, 2023

A tweaky update that adds some offline flexibility with Player tags and corrects a mixed bag of mini-bugs that could be a mini-pain in the butt.

See Release Notes ➤

Cloud and Infrastructure - November 2023

November 30, 2023

Share and Deploy

  • Deployment scheduling is now available for devices running Player Next Gen. (Remember, with the release of Intuiface 7.5, the name Player Next Gen has been retired. It's all just Player now!)

Intuiface licensing

See Release Notes ➤


November 15, 2023

We shipped Player Next Gen today! This technology replaces the existing technology in Player on all supported in-venue platforms other than Windows, adds support for in-venue deployments on Raspberry Pi, and adds support for deploying experiences to the web. Check out our blog article about the launch. It even includes a demo!

We've made a few other smaller changes, many in support of the new Player launch. Let's not distract ourselves from the big news.

See Release Notes ➤


August 31, 2023

Spent a bit more time on bug fixes than on new features for this release. However, we did add a really useful base duplication feature for Headless CMS (H-CMS), making it super easy for different Intuiface access to share an experience using an H-CMS base. The bug fixes remain centered on Player Next Gen across a variety of uses and features.

See Release Notes ➤

Cloud and Infrastructure - July 2023

July 28, 2023

Share & Deploy

  • We've spiffed up our support for web-deployed experiences, enabling you to add page titles and a favicon.

Headless CMS

  • You can now store 3D models and audio files in Headless CMS.
See Release Notes ➤

Cloud and Infrastructure - June 2023

June 30, 2023

These are essentially refinements of recently deployed improvements that needed a bit of tweaking. You can always find the details in our Release Notes!

Share and Deploy

  • We’ve added additional safeguards to detect and assist in resolving scheduled jobs that are blocked or jobs that never finish executing.

User and Account Management

  • Resolved an issue preventing Secondary Accounts from remotely updating Player on Windows PCs.
See Release Notes ➤


June 28, 2023

We’re better at managing jobs scheduled for Player on Windows. We've also improved our HTML and 3D model support. On the flip side, it's time to say goodbye to our Twitter Interface Asset. Check out all the details in our Release Notes.

See Release Notes ➤

Cloud and Infrastructure - May 2023

May 31, 2023

We've added additional configuration options for web-published experiences.

  • Use a custom slug when creating a URL for any web-published experience. The “slug” is the part of a URL that comes after the domain. For Intuiface, the domain is “”, so your experience URL would look like “[slug]”
  • We’ve also given you the ability to assign a favicon and a page title.

For details, check out the Release Notes.

See Release Notes ➤

Cloud and Infrastructure - March 2023

March 31, 2023

Here are some highlights. For a complete list, check out our Release Notes.

Share and Deploy


  • We've introduced Player Licensing, enabling experiences to be deployed as Progressive Web Apps. The advantage of PWA deployments is that they can run offline for a predetermined duration. These licenses are automatically retrieved and released automatically, so you don't have to worry about license activation.

User and Account Management

  • We've added three new records to our audit trail feature in support of experience deployment to the web: Creating a URL, Editing a URL, Deleting a URL
See Release Notes ➤


March 28, 2023

A comforting bag of bug fixes to batten down our hatches. A little nip in Composer, a little tuck in Headless CMS, plus a dash in Player. Mostly edge-case stuff, meaning most of you probably haven't come across these issues - yet. You never know! Be sure to update. We've got the complete list with details in our Release Notes.

See Release Notes ➤

Cloud and Infrastructure - January 2023

January 31, 2023

We've added some new capability to further empower your Headless CMS lives. Base ownership can now be transferred to a different Intuiface account, and Secondary accounts now have the ability to create and own bases. We've fleshed out the meaning of these improvements in our Release Notes.

See Release Notes ➤


January 19, 2023

A couple of you found uncommon (but legit) scenarios on Windows PCs that caused Player to boot into the Experiences panel, ignoring the launch preference “Run the last opened experience”. Player was sneaky, but we’re smarter; the issues were corrected. Want to know what those scenarios were? Check out our more complete Release Notes!

See Release Notes ➤

Cloud and Infrastructure - December 2022

December 14, 2022

Share and Deploy

  • Those with Player Next Gen and a Views license can now deploy experiences as a webpage. See our deployment as a webpage instructions for details about how to do it yourself, you lazy bum.
  • We've added Raspberry Pi to the list of platforms on which you can natively run Player Next Gen. That makes it the eighth - EIGHTH - supported platform for in-venue deployments.

Headless CMS

  • Base duplication is here! Make a copy of any base, with the choice of copying the structure or copying the structure plus content.
See Release Notes ➤


December 1, 2022

Lots of housekeeping updates and bug fixes, particularly in support of Player Next Gen and Headless CMS. Who doesn't like a clean house? See our Release Notes for details.

See Release Notes ➤


September 15, 2022

Today's release has a heavy Headless CMS bent, introducing some smaller enhancements and bug fixes to streamline the use of our CMS in your project work. We could tell you what those are but that would ruin the surprise. Still, if you're interested, check out the Release Notes.

See Release Notes ➤


August 1, 2022

We've added support for the WebP image format, a format created by Google to compress even more tightly than jpg, png, and gif files without a loss of quality. We also correct a few issues that were rubbing us the wrong way. Overall, it's a nice, little update during the hottest time of the year. Check out our Release Notes for the details.

See Release Notes ➤


May 23, 2022

Our focus remains on Player Next Gen but we thought a couple issues in the shipping product needed addressing. In particular, we sped up the Player agent on Windows, critical for remote deployment and device monitoring. Our Release Notes have all the details, including the updates we've made to Intuiface cloud and infrastructure services supporting Headless CMS, Analytics, licensing, and more.

See Release Notes ➤


March 28, 2022

Anyone displaying a website or web content in Intuiface on Windows will be happy to know that we've upgraded the web rendering engine in Player on Windows and Composer to Chromium Version 97. That's a lot of optimizations, enhancements, and bug fixes. We've also corrected the usual assortment of bugs that didn't need to be fixed because we never have bugs come on who are we kidding this product is flawless ok maybe not entirely. All details about the updates and fixes are in our Release Notes.

See Release Notes ➤