Intuiface Creative Experts

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Intuiface user since:
Nov 2013
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Omnivor d.o.o.

All Experts have proven Intuiface expertise. Badge color reflects the extent to which an Expert's Intuiface-based work can be evaluated by potential clients. 

  • No Badge: No work posted for review yet!
  • Bronze Badge: Images of the Expert’s work
  • Silver Badge: Videos of their work or an Intuiface-dedicated page on their website
  • Gold Badge: Images/videos of the Expert’s work and an Intuiface-dedicated page on the Expert’s website
  • Platinum Badge: A Gold Badge holder who has published an Intuiface Example.
We are software and hardware solution provider / system integrator for indoor and outdoor multi touch systems. Our work includes projects in tourism, museums, presentations, marketing, rental, to name just a few.
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