Intuiface Creative Experts

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+49 89 309 059 16
Intuiface user since:
Apr 2018
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Waketo GmbH

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  • No Badge: No work posted for review yet!
  • Bronze Badge: Images of the Expert’s work
  • Silver Badge: Videos of their work or an Intuiface-dedicated page on their website
  • Gold Badge: Images/videos of the Expert’s work and an Intuiface-dedicated page on the Expert’s website
  • Platinum Badge: A Gold Badge holder who has published an Intuiface Example.
Waketo is an international consulting firm for data-driven strategic marketing and creation, based in Munich.

We are experts for touch applications. You can find our WAKETO digital lab in the heart of Munich. Our team combines developers and UX & UI experts to solve challenges of our customers and to create applications that are prefect for your target group. The team around managing director Niko Gruschwitz, works for big corporates as well as small and medium sized enterprises, such as BayWa, Rosenthal, R+V, UNIDO and the fair Frankfurt.

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