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1300 781 565
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Xzibit Pty Ltd.

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Imagination Captured – Creators and innovators of custom, high-end exhibition stands and museum displays

At Xzibit (formerly Focus Productions) we pride ourselves as storytellers, on our creative and unique approach to represent brands, both government and private, to allow them to stand out in the crowd.

Our bespoke high-end stands, made from a high-quality modular system, are the perfect choice to get customers talking, while our museum displays engage innovative storytelling methods to produce stimulating, multi-sensory interactive learning experiences.

Possibilities are virtually limitless with Xzibit; our full service production includes sourcing furniture, shell scheme, rigging, lighting, and other showcasing equipment.

We’ll capture your imagination through (but not limited to);

  • 3D designs and renders to bring your concepts to life
  • Engaging AV elements including VR, AR, touch screens, video content and LED walls
  • Detailed custom cabinetry, styled to create unique themed environments
  • Awe inspiring indoor or outdoor graphics with a variety of finishes

To find out more about how we can help you, feel free to call 1300 781 565.

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