Intuiface Creative Experts

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Zeeland, Michigan
United States
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2 Fish Company

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  • No Badge: No work posted for review yet!
  • Bronze Badge: Images of the Expert’s work
  • Silver Badge: Videos of their work or an Intuiface-dedicated page on their website
  • Gold Badge: Images/videos of the Expert’s work and an Intuiface-dedicated page on the Expert’s website
  • Platinum Badge: A Gold Badge holder who has published an Intuiface Example.
Exhibit Design
Interactive Solutions
Custom Integrations
We are 2 Fish Company, LLC, an award-winning creative marketing agency. We work closely with our client partners, building relationships that allow us to solve problems and produce outstanding results. From design to development, marketing planning to marketing automation, we help you catapult your company to the next level. Together, we are miraculously creative.

2 Fish Company, LLC is a creative B2B and B2C marketing agency located in West Michigan. We work closely with our client partners, building relationships that allow us to solve problems and produce outstanding results.

Scott and Shelly Millen started 2 Fish Co. in 2011 with a simple goal: do good work with good people. Today, 2 Fish Co. keeps company with good people at organizations big and small (from Fortune 1000 companies to startups), global and local, for- and not-for-profit.

You could say we’re small fish in a big pond, but our team produces world-class, award-winning work. Marketing strategy, copywriting, publication design, digital name it, we do it. We’re truly full-service; just think of us as your external marketing department.

Whether you’re underwater with marketing or just need a helping hand, we invite you to swim with us! (No wetsuit or scuba gear required.)

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